Marie-Christine Zdora 13th Asia Pacific Microscopy Congress 2025

Marie-Christine Zdora

Marie-Christine Zdora completed a Bachelor (2011) and a Master in Physics (2014) at Technische Universität München, Germany, during which she first started working on X-ray imaging. She also holds a Master of Medical Physics degree (2013) from the University of Sydney. For her PhD project on “X-ray phase-contrast imaging using near-field speckles”, she moved to Diamond Light Source, UK. In January 2020, Marie was awarded her PhD from University College London, UK, for which she received the Springer Thesis Prize and the Werner Meyer-Ilse Memorial Award. She then worked as a Research Fellow at the University of Southampton, UK, to develop her X-ray speckle-based imaging methods further. In 2021, she joined the Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland, as a Postdoctoral Fellow working on X-ray optics. She then moved to the X-ray Tomography Group at ETH Zurich, where she focused on the translation of X-ray grating-based phase-contrast imaging to clinical applications, in particular breast imaging. In January 2024, she joined Monash University, Melbourne, as a Lecturer and ARC DECRA Research Fellow and is now continuing her work on X-ray speckle-based imaging.

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