Talk Title: Introducing our new EELS-TEM: The first fully integrated advanced analytical (S)TEM
We’re proud to introduce the Thermo Scientific EELS-TEM, a new fully integrated advanced analytical (S)TEM platform featuring the new Thermo Scientific EELS Spectrometer and Energy Filter as well as the NanoPulser, our new electrostatic beam blanker. The new Thermo Scientific EELS Spectrometer and Energy Filter inherits the advanced optics and high stability of Thermo Scientific Selectris Imaging Filters and brings numerous innovations necessary to offer deep integration with the microscope optics and streamline EELS data collection for every application. Multimodal integration of EELS, EDS, and the NanoPulser ensures the most advanced and effective electron dose optimization strategies. EELS data collection is extended with easy-to-use Thermo Scientific Velox Software, making even the most challenging experiments accessible to every user, including novices. Nearly every component in our new Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope can be fully accessed via Python scripting using AutoScript Software, making it possible to create new data collection workflows and adopt AI-based data collection and processing strategies.