Colin MacRae 13th Asia Pacific Microscopy Congress 2025

Colin MacRae

Colin is a chief research scientist with the Commonwealth Science Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), based in Clayton, Victoria. He directs microanalysis research in the Microbeam Laboratory which is the key electron beam microcharacterisation facility for Minerals and Mineral Processing problems within CSIRO. Colin has a strong interest in the application of high resolution microanalysis and mapping in the electron microprobe to solve industrial problems related to the minerals industry. Most recently Colin has been at the forefront of the development of hyperspectral cathodoluminescence in combination with hyperspectral EDX collection and analysis. With the introduction of this combined technique he has developed new optical systems and analysis procedures so that the cathodoluminescence signal can be quickly analysed, the emitting ions identified and the emission quantified. The quantified levels have been used to reveal both trace elemental level distributions and speciation variations, ratios (2+/3+), in minerals. Colin is a past president of the Australian Microbeam Analysis Society (AMAS). He has also been convenor of three AMAS biennial symposia and organised a MAS topical conference on Cathodoluminescence in 2011.

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