Jean-Baptiste Sibarita 13th Asia Pacific Microscopy Congress 2025

Jean-Baptiste Sibarita

JB Sibarita has a PhD thesis in Physics and is expert in live cell microscopy and image analysis. He has co-headed and developed the “Cellular and Tissular Imaging Platform” of the Institut Curie, Paris, for 12 years. In 2009, he created his CNRS R&D team “Quantitative Imaging of the Cell” in the newly created Interdisciplinary Institute of Neuroscience, Bordeaux. Together with the physicists, computer scientists and biologists within the team, they aim at developing novel quantitative imaging techniques to decipher the living cell activity at the nanoscale level, in a high throughput context. In 2018, he spent a year at the National University of Singapore to co-develop the single objective light-sheet microscope in the context of 3D cell culture. During the last 15 years, JB Sibarita has initiated several academic and industrial partnerships, based on the developments achieved in his lab. He is co-author of 101 peer review publications, some amongst the most prestigious journals (Nature, Nature Methods, Neuron, Nature Comm, etc…). He is at the origin of 5 industrial technology transfers as single or main author and 3 patents. He was awarded with the CNRS crystal medal in 2006 and obtained a chaire d’excellence of the Regional Council of Aquitaine in 2009.

Abstracts this author is presenting: